推選答案你好,不知道你能否看到,請(qǐng)問英國(guó)大使館發(fā)郵件,是明確讓你補(bǔ)交哪個(gè)材料了嗎?我遞交了材料,昨天收到一封 UK Decision Making Centre 的郵件,不知道這是不是讓我補(bǔ)交材料的郵件,也沒明說補(bǔ)交哪種材料,以及補(bǔ)交材料地址??吹侥芙獯鹨幌聠?,先謝謝了!
Your online application has been received at the UK Decision Making Centre. Your application is currently being prepared for consideration by an Entry Clearance Officer.
If you have made a Settlement application (except for applications lodged in USA and Canada): you must ensure that your UK sponsor has sent all relevant supporting documentation to the UK Decision Making Centre in Sheffield. The documents should be arranged in this order: application form and relevant Appendix* (See below); English language evidence; relationship documents; maintenance documents; accommodation documents. If documents are not received a decision will be taken on the basis on the information that has been provided.

If you have already had your supporting documents scanned in at the Visa Application Centre, or if you have already sent them in to us, please ignore the request for documents.
A further email will be sent to you to confirm when your application has been assessed and dispatched. If your application was made in a Visa Application Centre, the staff there will contact you when your documents are ready – please do not attend the Centre until you are requested to do so.
Please note that you are advised not to purchase flight tickets until you have secured a visa for travel to the UK.
*List of Appendices:
Appendix 1 - Children / Other Dependants
Appendix 2 - Spouse / Partner
Appendix 4 - Pre-flight family members of Refugees
Appendix 5 - Access Rights to Child
Further information is also available on the UK visas and immigration website.
Kind regards,
UK Decision Making Centre

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