
推選答案Singapore Polytechnic, the nation's first educational institution of its kind, was set up in 1954 to train technologists and professionals to support the industrialisation and economic development of Singapore. Since then, its development has paralleled the progress of modern Singapore.

Our Graduates
To date, Singapore Polytechnic has produced more than 135,000 graduates, some of whom have gone on to become Parliamentarians, captains of industries, senior executives of multi-national corporations, and successful entrepreneurs and professionals in Singapore and overseas.

Our Students
The current enrolment of 15,000 full-time and part-time students, about 10% of whom are from countries in the region, are pursuing a total of 78 diploma and post-diploma courses in the Schools of Business, Chemical and Life Sciences, Design, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the Built Environment, Info-Communications Technology, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, and the Singapore Maritime Academy.

Our Staff
They are a dedicated team of about 1,500 highly qualified staff of many nationalities, all committed to helping the Polytechnic realise its vision of producing graduates who are highly competent, innovative and versatile, imbued with sound values and committed to lifelong learning.

Our Commitment to Excellence
Underscoring the institution's relentless pursuit of excellence, the Polytechnic has been awarded the prestigious Singapore Quality Class as well as the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications. It has also been honoured with the Singapore Public Service Award for Organisational Excellence and the People Developer and Family Friendly Awards.

Our Facilities
The Polytechnic's sprawling 38 hectare campus has state-of-the-art teaching facilities to train students in emerging technologies. It is located right in the heart of Singapore's educational belt and science and information technology hubs.

Our Future
Singapore Polytechnic has embarked on a new education model to give added dimensions to students' learning. Students will be inspired to practise creativity, innovation and enterprise and to acquire skills and knowledge beyond their core discipline. This will prepare them well for the multi-disciplinary work environment that they are expected to enter after graduation.
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